Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Testimonial to Direct Mail Marketing

I am a firm believer in "mix" marketing and I stress this to all of my clients. I have seen many good results from mixing direct mail marketing with email marketing. This was once again shown to be true recently when I heard that a realtor in Colorado had published a magazine, inserted in the newspaper and as a result had more listings than he could handle! So many agents are getting out of print advertising...this agent seized the opportunity and filled the gap in the market. Why don't more agents realize the no one has a choice to receive mail from the US Post Office? Why not send direct mail where you know that you have the chance that your name and face will be seen for a few seconds? Do this frequently and you will be remembered! Email is a choice. I can choose whether or not I want to receive your email. I can block your mail, I can delete your messages. It is a VERY good possibility that your beautiful email stationery will never been seen by 50% or more of the people you send it to, therefore your name and face will not be something they will remember when it is time to buy or sell a home. Think about it. It is logical...mix your marketing!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Reason # 1,290,948 To Be A VA

This week I found another reason I love being a VA. Yes, I love being able to work in real estate, an industry that I love. I love being able to work from home and not having to worry about driving through any lake effect snow and possibly not making it home. I love being able to walk to the post office everyday and wave to my neighbors and stop and smell the roses along the way during the spring. But this week I found another reason to love being a VA. My husband left for Afghanistan this week for a year long deployment. It was nice to know that I didn't have to go into an office the following day and face everyone. It was great to be able to let the answering machine take the unimportant calls for the day. It was a great week to be a VA. It also made me appreciate all of the wonderful clients I have. They offered me wonderful words of encouragement and support and let me take time off to spend time with Rodney before he left. I work for the best agents in the country! I love each and every one of them!! They allow me to do the job I love. To all of you out are the best!!

At this point I've heard from Rodney, my husband, and I know he has made it safely to Afghanistan. Only got 363 days until he comes home!